Mesotherapy BackPain Treatment | North American Natural Medicine Centre


Back pain: Between 75 and 85% of all people will experience some form of back pain during their lifetime.

In fact, back pain is the second most frequently reported reason for visiting a doctor, and after the common cold, is the next leading reason for missed workdays for people under 45.

When you feel pain, it is really a reaction to signals transmitted throughout your body. These signals are sent from the pain source such as a sore back, through the nerves in the spinal cord, and up to the brain, where they are perceived as pain


There are two kinds of back pain. Chronic and Acute:
Chronic back pain is commonly described as deep, aching, dull or burning pain in one area of the back or traveling down the legs. Patients may experience numbness, tingling, burning, or a pins-and-needles type sensation in the legs. Regular daily activities may prove difficult or impossible for the chronic back pain patient. They may find it difficult to work, for example, even when the job does not require manual labor. Chronic back pain tends to last a long time, and is not relieved by standard types of medical management. There are some other techniques that can be used like the two fingers combined with the Mesotherapy technique as well as homeopathic remedies. 

Acute back pain is commonly described as a very sharp pain, usually felt deep in the lower part of the back, and can be more severe in one area, such as the right side, left side, center, or the lower part of the back. Acute pain can be intermittent, but is usually constant, only ranging in severity.

Sometimes, acute back pain can be caused by bad postures, spondylolisthesis, bad lifting techniques, leverage, injury or trauma. Patients with acute back pain, even when it's severe, will typically improve or completely recover within eight to ten weeks.

Approximately half of all back pain patients have acute pain caused by trauma. A contusion, torn muscle or strained joint resulting from a back injury can cause acute pain. Patients with any of these conditions typically exhibit pain, muscle spasms, and decreased functional activities

The treatment is short-term and usually successful. These patients typically return to full functionality in a few weeks. Occasionally, these patients will re-injure themselves and have to return for a short course of treatment.



The treatment is short-term and usually successful. These patients typically return to full functionality in a few weeks.